Based on the comic series of the same name by Santiago Garcia and Pepo Perez, THE NEIGHBOR follows the misadventures of four friends -- Javier (Quim Gutiérrez); his love interest, Lola (Clara Lago); her close friend, Julia (Catalina Sopelana); and newcomer to their building, José Ramón (Adrián Pino). After the hapless Javi (as he's affectionately called by friends and neighbors) is entrusted with superhuman powers, he uses them to fight evil as Titán, his superhero persona. Some episodes mostly focus on Javier, a lazy, unmotivated guy in his 20s whom you'd least expect to be able to take on the responsibility that comes with obtaining superpowers. José Ramón becomes Javier's sidekick after accidentally learning of his neighbor's superpowers. Lola, determined in her suspicion of Javier being a superhero, sets out to discover the truth, with help from her friend Julia. There are many hilarious situations as the characters learn more about each other and their own potential powers.